Melinda Carr, B.S.

Biological Technician
B.S. Aquatic & Fisheries Sciences
Phone: (206) 960-4008


Issaquah, Washington

Melinda has experience in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska collecting and analyzing fisheries and aquatic habitat data. Prior to joining CFS, Melinda evaluated sockeye mortality in Alaska and the effects of restoration on juvenile salmon densities as part of NOAA’s Strait of Juan de Fuca Intensively Monitored Watershed project. Melinda helps to collect data for habitat assessments and restoration monitoring programs by performing bathymetric, habitat, wood, and riparian surveys. She is skilled in boat and beach seining, eDNA sampling, and collecting physical samples from salmon (otoliths, gastric lavage). At CFS, Melinda conducts literature reviews, helps collect, QA/QC, and summarize field data in maps and figures, and assists with technical reports.